- Strategic Risk Assessment – business, projects, in supply chain
- Business Continuity Management
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Insurance management policy & insurance strategies
- Interim Risk & Insurance Management
Risk management is nothing more than just day- to day running the business. More or less formal activities are carried out in any organization, not necessarily calling them risk management.
Therefore, by identifying, assessing risks and implementing effective management strategies, we execute the risk management process. As the organization develops, the unification of process is required in order to perform it in a consistent manner and make the informed decisions. Why? Decisions are still made by people, and their assessment of similar situations may be completely different.
With riskChallange, you can design and implement customized processes, tools, risk management structure and business continuity plans.
Our experts can also support in evaluation of current risk management solutions and strengthen your inhouse team’s competence.
We use best practices and recognized international market standards as ISO 31000, 22301, others.